Saturday, August 18, 2012

When livestock becomes deadstock

On our way to drop of D2's (Daughter #2) 4H Cloverbud record book at her leaders house we got a call from S1 (Son #1) that they went out to feed the menagerie and this years show wether was dead and the ewe was looking pretty bad. We tried to give instructions to try to help her while also trying to reach the Vet but she was gone before the Vet returned my call. It turned out that it was a bacterial infection and there was nothing we could've done, but I still feel horrible. 
Poor D1 is out quite a bit of cash and nothing to sell at the fair. She still has her Dairy project and D2 can show last years ewe in the Pee Wee show. 

It was hard to accept at first. S1 felt so bad! He and S2 tried so hard to do something, anything, but to no avail. D2 actually took it really well. My DH just said "Well, sheep are stupid and they probably ate something they shouldn't have. These things just happen when you raise livestock." Thanks for the consolation honey.

Growing up the daughter of 2 hairdressers did not prepare me for this!!! I felt so helpless and frustrated!